飘零双燕是由沃纳·施罗德执导、伊莎贝尔·于佩尔,布鲁·欧吉尔,阿丽尔·朵巴丝勒,安尼卡·库尔,罗班松·斯泰弗南,让-弗朗索瓦·斯泰弗南,罗基里奥·萨莫拉,曼努埃尔・布兰科,Tim Fischer主演的电影,在法国上映播出, Magdalena and Maria are two twin sisters who were separated at birth and know nothing of the other’s existence. Maria runs away from the boarding school in which she was brought up and finds work as a cabaret performer in the cafés of Marseilles. Magdalena lives with her adopted parents and works in an art gallery. The two sisters are joined by an invisible bond which draws them towards the same tragic conclusion. Director Werner Schroeter has acquired a reputation as an experimentalist filmmaker, hailed by some as an underrated genius, reviled by others for being a peddler of self-indulgent kitsch. Deux is arguably Schroeter’s most ambitious, unsettling and repulsive work to date. The director certainly wastes no time in alienating his audience; from the first ten minutes of the film it is clear this is not going to be an easy ride. The narrative cuts haphazardly between seemingly unconnected events, alternating between realism and stylised fantasy dream sequences, periodically shocking the spectator with graphic images of lesbian sex and a woman being slowly disembowelled. Having several actors playing multiple parts only adds to the sense of artifice and utter confusion, which is a pity as there is manifestly a lot of great acting talent on show – not least of which is Isabelle Huppert. The film’s sheer relentless grotesqueness and self-indulgence is so extreme, so unbridled, so stomach-churningly provocative, that it is hard to take any of it seriously....柠檬影视提供了飘零双燕在线观看,并且还可以支持手机看飘零双燕,不需要下载播放器,方便广大影迷观看。
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